
About Sanatan dharam

Welcome to Our Website! Here You Get To Know All The Facts And Truth About The Sanatan Dharam Which means Eternal Religion used commonly by Hindus.In Ancient Time There Was No Such Religion As Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism Or Any Other. Only Sanatan Dharam Existed, Hinduism Is Just A New Name Of Sanatan Dharam Which Is Practiced by Majority People In Bharat And It Is The OLDEST Religion In The World.
Although Hinduism contains a broad range of philosophies, it is linked by shared concepts, recognizable rituals, cosmology, shared textual resources, and pilgrimage to sacred sites. Hindu texts are classified into Śruti (“heard”) and Smṛti (“remembered”). These texts discuss theology, philosophy, mythology, Vedic yajna, Yoga, agamic rituals, and temple building, among other topics.Major scriptures include the Vedas and Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Agamas. Sources of authority and eternal truths in its texts play an important role, but there is also a strong Hindu tradition of the questioning of this authority, to deepen the understanding of these truths and to further develop the tradition
Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion; its followers, known as Hindus, number about 1.15 billion, or 15-16% of the global population. Hindus form the majority of the population in India, Nepal, and Mauritius. Significant Hindu communities are also found in other countries

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